General Dentistry

General dentistry care helps you maintain a healthy smile. At our Blainville dental clinic, we offer patients of all ages the care they need, from screening to treatment, diagnosis and prevention.

It is during routine dental exams that our dentist, performs an examination to evaluate your oral condition. Thanks to our many years of experience in dentistry and the use of the best diagnostic tools, we will be able to detect the presence of any abnormal sign or symptom in order to identify the cause. We will then present you with a treatment plan to outline the options available to you for managing your problem. Our team is always there to offer you its best advice and to guide you towards the care that is best adapted to your condition, your needs and your budget.


Our range of care in general and family dentistry

Most people recognize the importance of routine visits to get their teeth cleaned. However, it would be wrong to assume that this is the only reason why these visits are so important.

Routine visits are an opportunity for your dental hygienist to perform a thorough cleaning of your teeth, which includes the removal of all plaque and tartar that has accumulated in your teeth. It is important to know that tartar can only be removed during a professional cleaning, using the specialized equipment of your dental team (ultrasound machine). If left to build up, tartar can lead to cavities and gum problems. Scaling is followed by tooth polishing, which softens and removes all plaque and stains.

Routine visits are also an opportunity for your dentist to perform a thorough examination of your mouth, to detect any abnormal signs or symptoms, to make a diagnosis, and to suggest the appropriate care if needed. Without regular checkups, oral problems such as cavities and gingivitis are likely to progress and cause more harm to the health of your teeth and gums. In addition, during routine visits, we always screen for oral cancer. At our clinic, we use VelScope technology to detect all inflammatory and pre-cancerous lesions, which are invisible to the naked eye.

In short, not having routine visits means not having the preventive care that is essential to maintaining good oral health.

Many people feel stress about dental care, but they still manage to overcome this feeling and visit their dentist when they need to. However, some people experience such a high level of anxiety that it becomes paralyzing and prevents them from receiving the treatment they need. It is in these cases that the use of nitrous oxide becomes relevant.

Nitrous oxide is a low potency anesthetic. In fact, it is considered to be the safest sedation agent for anxiety control during dental or medical treatment. It is often known as “laughing gas”. Because it is mixed with pure oxygen and then administered nasally, it is popularly known as “clown nose” when treating younger patients. Since it has calming and relaxing properties on the brain, it is very effective in reducing the stress and fear a patient may feel.

This colorless, non-irritating and practically odorless gas is not very soluble in the blood. It therefore provides a rapid effect, in about 3 minutes, but its effects are nevertheless rapidly reversible, in 5 minutes maximum. Nitrous oxide is advantageous because it has an analgesic effect (which reduces pain), while potentiating the effect of anesthetic drugs.

With nitrous oxide, the feeling of discomfort, stress and anxiety that anxious patients experience is replaced by a feeling of well-being. Patients are relaxed and often describe their experience as floating in a pleasant dream.

If you visit your dentist on a regular basis, it is to maintain good oral hygiene, to get the right preventive care and the necessary treatment in case of problems. One of the oral health conditions that we usually treat at our Blainville dental clinic is tooth decay.

Tooth decay is a common condition. Unfortunately, because we hear about it so often, many people overlook the importance of preventing cavities and treating them quickly when they appear in their teeth. However, cavities can have serious consequences on your dental health if they are not taken care of, which is why it is important to see your dentist regularly in order to get the right care when your condition requires it.

Bruxism is a sneaky condition. In fact, since teeth grinding occurs during sleep, the sufferer is often unaware of the problem. It is therefore important to be aware of the signs and symptoms associated with bruxism, the main ones being headaches upon awakening, often accompanied by temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, and even dental pain in some cases. In many cases, it is during a dental examination that we notice abnormal wear of the teeth or certain damages such as dental fractures and cracks. Sometimes, the spouse of the person suffering from bruxism notices the noise caused by the grinding of the teeth during the night.

The solution to bruxism is the design of an occlusal plate specially adapted to the patient’s dentition. It is a device that is made of a very resistant plastic, based on digital impressions of the teeth, for more comfort and protection. The occlusal plate absorbs the pressure that is exerted on the teeth and TMJ. The patient wears the bite plate at night to protect the teeth from unconscious grinding.

This examination consists of palpating the muscles responsible for chewing to check for pain or tension. The dentist will also check for any cracking, popping or deviations of the jaw. She also manipulates your lower jaw to check for slippage or interfering contacts. This complete TMJ examination, performed prior to taking digital impressions of the patient’s teeth, allows us to make a complete diagnosis so that we can properly monitor the
patient’s condition.

Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by a relaxation of the pharynx muscles during sleep. This causes a blockage of the airway and a decrease in the body’s oxygen supply. It is these pauses in breathing that give the condition the name “sleep apnea”. The lack of oxygen will cause an increase in heart rate, which in the long run can lead to cardiovascular problems. That’s why it’s important to diagnose sleep apnea in order to get the necessary treatment.

Sleep apnea often manifests itself as snoring, with pauses in breathing followed by specific noises as the person tries to catch their breath. At this point, the person will often wake up. This can happen dozens of times a night and lead to a decrease in the quality of sleep as well as the associated consequences: irritability, excessive fatigue, headaches upon awakening, daytime sleepiness, difficulty concentrating, and decreased libido.

The anti-snoring device is worn during sleep to treat excessive snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea. It is designed to keep the airway unobstructed on a continuous basis by moving the lower jaw slightly forward. This device, which is also called a mandibular advancement orthosis, tightens the soft tissues and muscles of the upper airway. This prevents obstructive apnea during sleep, as well as snoring.

With anti-snoring appliances, 91% of patients have experienced an improvement in the quality of their sleep. Before the braces are made, you must first have a consultation with a pulmonologist to ensure that you are a good candidate for this snoring treatment. The consultation with this health specialist is free. 


When practicing sports where there is a risk of falls or impacts, we think of protecting our head with a helmet, but what about our teeth? When practicing certain sports, it is essential to wear an appropriate protection to protect the dentofacial structures from impacts: it is the personalized mouthguard.

The mouth guard is a removable device that protects the teeth, the soft tissues of the mouth and the jaw from possible injuries related to the practice of certain sports. It protects against shocks and dental clenching during sports, and helps limit the risk of concussion that can occur when there are significant shocks to the jaws.

The mouthguard is made of a plastic that is very durable. To design it, we first make impressions of the patient’s teeth, which we use to design a guard that will fit perfectly in the mouth. Once the mouthguard is made, we take the time during a second appointment to give the patient our recommendations for wearing and maintaining the mouthguard.

There are several types of mouthguards for athletes. Some are prefabricated and available over the counter. However, BEWARE! these mouthguards are less effective and offer less protection than custom-made mouthguards that are made by the dentist.

In dentistry, we use a variety of treatment options to strengthen damaged teeth and restore the full function of the smile. In this sense, we are pleased to offer several restoration options at our Blainville dental clinic: bridges, crowns and dental inlays.

Dental crown

A dental crown is an artificial, hollow tooth that is used to cover a tooth that is damaged to give it more structure so that it can continue to fulfill its role in chewing. A crown can be used to cover a tooth that has fractured, a tooth that has received a large filling or a root canal. A crown can also overcome a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. In some cases, a crown is used for cosmetic purposes to cover teeth that are discolored or deformed. In sum, in many cases with dental crowns, we aim to protect the tooth that is already damaged from further damage.

At our clinic, we design dental crowns in composite or porcelain. Each material has its own advantages. Our team will select the type of crown best suited to your dental needs.

The dental bridge

If a permanent tooth is extracted or falls out due to a dental problem, it is very important to replace it. This will prevent misalignment of the remaining teeth, as well as prevent future problems that may arise. In such cases, a dental bridge can be used to replace a missing tooth or even two adjacent teeth.

A dental bridge, also called a “fixed bridge”, is made up of one or two artificial teeth (the pontic part) that are attached between two dental crowns. These two crowns are themselves installed on the two natural teeth that frame the space left by the missing tooth or teeth. These two healthy teeth are prepared by the dentist to receive the crowns: they are the abutment teeth.

A dental bridge is generally an economical and versatile option for replacing a missing tooth.

Dental inlay

A dental inlay is usually made of porcelain. It is a type of dental restoration that is used to solidify teeth that are weakened, for example as a result of deep decay. It is a restoration that is custom-made for the patient’s dentition. It is a stronger, more durable and more aesthetic solution than fillings to heal and strengthen a tooth!


Wisdom teeth normally erupt around the age of 17-21 years. These teeth are a third group of molars, which have become unnecessary with human evolution and changes in our diet. We have evolved in such a way that the wisdom teeth lack the space to grow normally at the end of the dental arches. For this reason, it is common for wisdom teeth to erupt only partially (semi-included teeth), or to remain below the gum line (impacted teeth).

Semi-included teeth can be a gateway for bacteria to enter the jawbone and cause infection. Impacted teeth can deviate from their normal axis of rotation and put pressure on the roots of nearby teeth, which can damage them. Impacted teeth can also cause a cyst or tumor to form in the jaw.

Because of these complications, it is essential to evaluate wisdom teeth to determine if they need to be removed. During a complete oral examination and with the help of X-rays, your dentist will verify the position of these teeth and the complications they may cause. If he or she believes that it is relevant in your case, he or she may advise you to extract them as a preventive measure. Wisdom teeth extraction is a routine dental surgery, which is performed entirely at the clinic by our qualified dental surgeon. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to prevent you from experiencing pain.

Tooth extraction, bone grafting, gum grafting, in dentistry, dental surgery represents interventions during which it is necessary to make an incision or removal (ablation) of tissues within the mouth. Such care is sometimes necessary to protect your oral health and the integrity of your smile.

We know that dental surgeries, such as extractions, are often feared by our patients. But rest assured. At our Blainville dental clinic, we make sure that all the conditions are in place to ensure that our procedures run smoothly. We also try to limit post-operative symptoms by offering you our best advice in preparation for surgery, as well as in the days following surgery, to encourage optimal recovery.

Whatever your age, it is never too late to take charge of the health of your smile and to obtain the care that your condition requires. Patient children, adolescents, adults and seniors receive the care they need at the Clinique dentaire Le Blainvillier.